إنتبه يا طلاب و طالبات الجامعة الإسلامية العالمية بماليزيا في تخصص الفقه وأصول الفقه
..هذا هو المدة الذي سوف تتعلم في المتخصصة فقه و أصول الفقه..
A. Fundamental Courses
ARAB 3325 Qur’anic and Prophetic Texts
HIST2530A Survey of Islamic History & Civilization
RKFQ2062A Al-Madkhal ila al-Fiqh: Introduction to Fiqh
RKFQ2161A Al-Madkhal ila Usul al-Fiqh: Introduction to Usul al-Fiqh
RKGS 2010 Creative Thinking & Problem Solving
RKQS1046A Dirasah fi al-Qur’an: Study of Qur’an
RKQS1051A Fiqh al-Sirah: Reflections on Prophetic History
RKQS2011A ‘Ulum al-Qur’an: Sciences of Qur’an
RKQS2021A ‘Ulum al-Hadith: Sciences of Hadith
RKUD3010A Islamic Aqidah
RKUD3020A Islamic Ethics
B. Generic Skill Courses
LE 4000 Language for Academic Purposes
LQ 4000 Arabic for Academic Purposes
LM 2020 Bahasa Malaysia Lanjutan
LM 2021 Bahasa Malaysia Untuk Kerjaya
TQ 3000 Tahfiz Al-Qur’an
TQ 3010 Advanced Tilawah Al-Qur’an I
TQ 3020 Advanced Tilawah Al-Qur’an II
CCHB/S 1011
CCFB/S 1041 Halaqah I
Fardhu ‘Ain
CCHB/S 1012 Halaqah II
C. Core Courses
Manahij al-Bahth: Research Methodology
RKFQ3123A Fiqh al-’Ibadat I: Juristic Study of ‘Ibadat I
RKFQ3132A Fiqh al-Usrah: Juristic Study of Family Institution
RKFQ3161A Fiqh al-Jinayat: Juristic Study of Crimes & Punishment
RKFQ3223A Adillat al-Ahkam I: Evidences of Legal Rules I
RKFQ3231A Maqasid al-Shari’ah: Objectives of the Shari’ah
RKFQ3243A Al-Ijtihad wa al-Ifta’: Rational Deduction & Decreeing
RKFQ4121A Fiqh al-Mu’amalat al-Maliyyah: Juristic Study of Transactions
RKFQ4151A Nizam al-Hukm: Juristic Study of Islamic Ruling
RKFQ4211A Mahabith al-Hukm: Issues on Islamic Ruling
RKFQ4222A Mabahith Turuq al-Istinbat I: Methods of Legal Deduction I
ARAB 3511 Arabic for Islamic Studies
Concentration Area I: Fiqh
RKFQ3124A Fiqh al-’Ibadat II: Juristic Study of ‘Ibadat II
RKFQ3133A Fiqh al-Mawarith & al-Awqaf: Juristic Study of Inheritance & Endowment
RKFQ3141A Fiqh al-Zakah: Juristic Study of Zakat
RKFQ4122A Fiqh al-’Uqud al-Maliyyah: Juristic Study of Financial COntracts
RKFQ4123A Mu’amalat Masrafiyyah wa Aswaq Maliyyah: Banking & Financial Markets
RKFQ4165A Fiqh al-Qada’: Juristic Study of Judiciary
RKFQ4131A Qawa’id wa Furuq Fiqhiyyah: Legal Maxims & Juristic Variations
RKFQ 2061 Introduction to Malaysian Law
RKFQ4141A Qadaya Fiqhiyyah Mu’asirah: Contemporary Juristic Issues
RKFQ4160A Al-’Alaqat al-Dawliyyah: Juristic Study of International Relations
RKFQ4170A Al-Fiqh al-Muqaran: Comparative Jurisprudence
RKFQ 4997 Tadrib ‘Ilmi fi al-Bahth al-Fiqhi: Academic Exercise in Fiqh*
RKFQ 4996 Al-Tadrib al-’Amali: Practical Training**
Concentration Area II: Usul al-Fiqh
RKFQ2261A Usul al-Fiqh: Tarikhuhu wa Tatawwaruhu (History of Usul al-Fiqh)
RKFQ3224A Adillat al-Ahkam II: Evidences of Legal Rules II
RKFQ3241A Qira’ah Naqdiyyah fi Usul al-Fiqh I: Critical Reading in Usul Fiqh I
RKFQ3242A Qira’ah Naqdiyyah fi Usul al-Fiqh II: Critical Reading in Usul Fiqh II
RKFQ4223A Mabahith Turuq al-Istinbat II: Methods of Legal Deduction II
RKFQ4231A Mabahith fi al-Ijtihad wa al-Tajdid: Rational Deduction & Reform
RKFQ4240A Al-Qawa’id al-Usuliyyah wa Ikhtilaf al-Fuqaha’: Maxims of Usul al-Fiqh
RKFQ3250A Tafsir al-Nusus: Interpretation of Textual Evidence
RKFQ2262A Al-Madaris al-Usuliyyah: Tarikh wa A’lam (Usuli Schools of Thought
RKFQ4224A Mabahith fi al-Sunnah: Issues on Sunnah
RKFQ4251A Usul al-Fiqh wa Manahij al-Bahth fi al-’Ulum al-Insaniyyah
RKFQ 4998 Tadrib ‘Ilmi fi al-Bahth al-Usuli: Academic Exercise in Usul al-Fiqh*
RKFQ 4996 Al-Tadrib al-’Amali: Practical Training**
D. Elective Courses
COMM 1010 Introduction to Mass Communication
HIST 1000 Introduction to History & Civilization
PSCI 1010 Introduction to Political Science
PSYC 1000 Introduction to Psychology
SOCA 1010 Introduction to Sociology
..أنا ممكن ان أساعدكم فقط ولكن الجهود في أيدكم
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